Over the years, we have mastered the art of unsecured collections. To ensure the delivery of superior results, we have combined the following ingredients:


  • dedicated teams of lawyers, paralegals, legal administrators, recovery and compliance specialists;
  • state of the art business processes adapted to each step of the recovery process;
  • the right mix best of breed technologies;


Each of our client programs are managed and measured in an environment governed by compliance.


The unsecured legal collections services targets specifically the following types of asset classes: credit cards, automobile financing instruments, personal and commercial term loans, personal and commercial lines of credit and commercial and professional accounts receivables.


Our unsecured legal services are divided into two segments: pre-legal and legal enforcement services.


Pre-legal Services


We have a multidisciplinary team of dedicated recovery specialists to whom accounts are assigned as a first step to our recovery process. Pre-legal recovery services under the supervision of lawyers are a proven way of recovering bad debts. Combined with the proper legal strategy and segmented according to the relevant data, this strategy provides excellent results to our clients.


Legal Enforcement Services

When the pre-legal process is not conclusive, or when the relevant data suggests legal action should be initiated, we have a team of legal specialists and managers ready to take over and obtain judgment on behalf of our clients. We have set up workflows, processes and processing systems to automate most of the processes required to obtain personal judgments and enforcements to maximize returns to our clients.


We offer many innovative billing options.


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